Contact us

We are perfectly available for our customers.

We will be happy to answer all your questions by e-mail or telephone.

To contact us, you can use the reservation form here or send us a message to this address:

[email protected]. Since the Internet network in Guadeloupe is still under construction, it happens that cuts of one to several days happen, so do not be surprised by some answers by late e-mail. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us by phone.

Contact us

Indiquez en un texte de 1000 caractères maximum que vous êtes parfaitement disponible pour votre clientèle. N’hésitez pas à leur préciser que c’est avec joie que vous répondrez à toutes leurs questions que ce soit par e-mail ou par téléphone.
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The data collected on this form is processed by Gîte MAYO & HYLODE'S SONG and Amenitiz Solutions to manage the contact request information on the website in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Morne Tarare pigeon, Bouillante, 97125, Guadeloupe

Directions from the airport

From the airport, take the direction "Rocade Nord" and follow "Basse-Terre". Once past the bridge leading to Basse-Terre, follow "Basse-Terre" then "Pointe-Noire - Bouillante". Take the road that crosses the mountain range (Route de la Traversée - D23). Arriving on the other side, take left (Bouillante). Continue and pass the beach of Malendure (recognizable by the parking lot and the number of tourist activities cabanons). Continue on the Rocher de Malendure and follow the straigth road to the seaside. After the turn, before the blue box to the left, take the road that goes up to the left. Go up the road to the top and turn left (2nd left). You access the guesthouse via the 2nd concrete alley on the left.


Morne Tarare pigeon

Bouillante, 97125, Guadeloupe

[email protected]

+590 690 96 94 29

+590 590 80 34 60

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The data collected on this form is processed by Gîte MAYO & HYLODE'S SONG and Amenitiz Solutions to manage the contact request information on the website in accordance with our Privacy Policy.